At this point, it is no secret that former evangelical juggernaut, Hank Hanegraaff, has converted to the Orthodox Faith through the Greek Orthodox tradition. Over the last week, the evangelical and Orthodox communities have discussed the "good" and the "bad" behind the conversion, but the intent of this post is not to discuss those stories that have already received so much attention. Rather, the intent of this post is to respond to a
recent article posted by the Protestant blog, "Pulpit & Pen," who have used the platform of Hank Hanegraaff's conversion to boost their own notoriety. In this case, however, not all press is good press, as there has been a strong backlash from Orthodox and Evangelical believers alike.
Jeff Maples, the author of the recent articles discussing Hanegraaff and the Orthodox Church, has made some strong accusations against Orthodox Christians all over the world. Without beating this subject to the floor even further, the Reader's Digest version of Maples' claims is that Orthodox Christians are not Christians, but rather apostates. Even further, in an even more outrageously despicable assertion, Pulpit & Pen has strongly asserted that those
Coptics recently martyred for their faith are not Christians.